Hi all,
I break my silence again for my two cents.

I think we have a very good design in offering non-free firmware that is essential to complete the installation of the distribution, and ensuring that the end-user knows and explicitly consents. Offering two installation media distinguished in free and non-free version looks also a good move as we further stress that we strive for open-nes and maintainability whenever it is possible.

Assuming no technical issues or man-power shortage gets in between, this is a tradeoff (IMHO the best one, currently) between two conflicting needs

- aiming at open-ness and freedom (as a tool, at least, to ensure maintainability and reliability)

- aiming at helping the large audience (majority...) of people who cannot afford to _only_ choose proprietary blob-free hardware.

I would cast my vote there; and opt for providing non-free (but freely redistributable) blobs that are essential for successful installation in the non-free version of the installer (there can be fallback options ofc for uncommon HW and experienced users).

That likely boils down to support for mainstream networking and storage devices, as previously commented, or maybe some specific CPUs, if really mandatory.

This can be done thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated people, which I wish to thank again.

From: James Powell <james4...@hotmail.com>

This isn't about free versus non-free. Those days are long past gone. The less 
a distribution supports, the more it falls away into a niche. Niche 
distributions do not go places or make bold statements. Devuan must be able to 
stand against Debian toe to toe, as well as Arch, Slackware, Gentoo, Ubuntu, 
Fedora, etc.

Firmware that makes a system usable is and should always be welcomed. The more 
you limit, the less users you have.

What the user does to their system after installation shouldn't be a concern. 
What should be a concern, how many users can we win over.

I do not agree here; I will not challenge the points specifically, not to derail the thread, but if we were aiming for large markets more than _anything_ else there would be no Devuan at all (as stated before, free is often a prerequisite of maintainable).

Not willing to bash James either: I agree on several other views he states; but I don't want to see Devuan struggle with too many binary blobs to the point of diminishing returns. IMHO Devuan should aim for streamlined desing (KISS) and only support firwmare that is _both_ essential to install on some non esoteric HW _and_ practical to support in the installer media and in the running system.


massimo.copp...@isti.cnr.it  copp...@di.unipi.it www.di.unipi.it/~coppola
Massimo Coppola  -  Tel: +39 (050) 3152992  -  CNR mobile +39 348 3962622
CNR/ISTI "A.Faedo", via G. Moruzzi 1 - 56124 Pisa, Italy        Room C33
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Eternity is a mere moment, just long enough for a joke.    (H. Hesse)

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