Op 10-04-15 om 19:14 schreef Anto:

> Hello Paul,
> I understand your pain as I have been there.
> I managed to have everything working with Debian jessie without any
> packages containing "*systemd*". 

I don't think this is a good for systemd-shim.

> I also used XFCE 4.10, lightdm and wicd
> to manage the connection to my WiFi and LAN. For XFCE issue with suspend
> and hibernate, 

It's also about shutdown.

> I had it working by using xfce4-power-manager package
> including some of its related packages and dependencies from
> http://angband.pl/debian/dists/nosystemd/.
> However, a few weeks ago I downgraded my PC to Debian wheezy. I thought
> it is safer to use it before switching to Devuan, instead of using the
> packages from Debian jessie which a lot of them are dependent on
> systemd. I think it is very likely that a lot of other packages will be
> made dependent on systemd in the near future. So my PC is now using the
> packages from Debian wheezy and wheezy-backports. It was quite a pain to
> downgrade all necessary packages like downgrading glibc 2.19 to 2.13. Of
> course I can only use XFCE 4.8 because of this.

Downgrading is not easy with Debian.

> About Synaptic, I only use it for easy searching for packages. But for
> package installation and upgrade, I usually use apt-get as I thought it
> is safer. 

I don't use Synaptic, but many of my customers do.

For easy searching I use the webinterface.

> In any case, I think administration type of packages like
> Synaptic, GParted, etc., must only be executed with root privilege. So
> they should be launched with gksu in desktop. For Synaptic for instance,
> what I did was to copy /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop into
> ~/.local/share/applications, and then edit it to change
> "Exec=synaptic-pkexec" into "Exec=gksu synaptic".

Ah, thanks. That's a good idea.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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