speaking of lightweight Linux distros with a systemd-free choice.
There is also AntiX. The main developer behind it seems also not to be
happy about how Debian Jessie users are forced to use SystemD:
(if anyone is more interested about a AntiX (Jessie-based) release
without SystemD - a Beta release:
http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=08851 )
About two years ago I used this distro for a while and quite liked it.
The main release comes with IceWM as default, I used a flavor with JWM
as default desktop. It supports booting the live medium to RAM and
creating persistend usb pendrives is also possible. Now I prefer linuxes
with XFCE and 64-bit support. But for ancient systems with less than 2
GB RAM, I would still use it.
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