it's my understanding that most additions to the kernel from hardware
companies are for drivers.  i can only assume the rest are for new features
they want to use or random bug fixes.  i think the linux kernel itself is
safe from needless radical changes because the linux kernel people actually
get the last say on whether or not they accept a patch.  frankly, i think
it's a good system due to it's limited scope and direct oversight.
the origin of the systemd problem isnt that anyone can publish code, it's
the lack of oversight in distributions possibly due to the massive scope of
the software they are distributing.

tl;dr: Quality Control is very very very important.


On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 7:36 AM, hal <> wrote:

> Hello all, and great work on the Alpha! I am tagging this off-topic as it
> doesn't really pertain to Devuan development except in a tangential aspect.
> I've always thought it a bit odd that just a handful of people, leading
> certain Open Source projects, could get away with steering any certain
> Linux distro directly into the path of oncoming traffic. I ran across this
> article yesterday and thought it may explain some of the things that
> happened with SuSE, Caldera, Gnome and now Debian.
> There are many changes that have happened with Linux distros over the
> years and many just never made sense to me. Some new implementation
> supposing to make things easier was just a mess to work with
> (NetworkManager,
> resolvconf, udev, MDNS). Usually it was claimed "It is easier for users"
> but often the case was wrong. When things work, they work OK, but good luck
> if you need to fix it when it doesn't work.
> This articla was a bit concerning because the largest contributers to the
> Linux kernel come from private businesses now. That's always been fine with
> me until things like systemd happen which completely alter every aspect
> of the system causing new problems at every level. The fact that most of
> the major distros jumped on the band wagon without question was also
> strange to me. It now makes sense to me because the collective of private
> business makes up the majority of the development. There are far more
> private interests funding the drive behind these changes than there are
> hackers to fix/oversee them.
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