>On 10/02/15 11:34 PM, Ed Ender wrote:
>> On 2015-02-10 19:52, Wim wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Mark inquired about the source of my info on kali. I just saw kali on the
>>> list at:
>>> http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Operating_systems_without_systemd_in_the_default_installation
>>> Decided to do some research. Apparently, systemd is already present in the
>>> latest kali 1.0.9:
>>> https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?24275-Ran-updates-and-now-no-GUI-at-all
>>> https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?23603-About-Kali-Linux-and-systemd
>>> It appears the list isn't up-to-date and they should take kali off.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Wim 
>> I have removed Kali from the wiki since I put it there. But......
>> I have Kali 1.1.0 (2015-02-09) and can't find systemd in it. I have apt-get 
>> updated & upgraded.
>> Using [find / -name systemd*] I have found 2 folders & 1 file:
>> /etc/systemd
>> /lib/systemd
>> /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/gdm/systemd.js
>> And noticed sysvinit at boot.
>> Can you confirm that systemd is installed in your installation? And if so, 
>> how you got it?
>> _______________________________________________
>I have Kali here and it has libsystemd-daemon0 and libsystemd-login0.
>This is a several times over dist-upgrade and not a new install.
>I find it conceivable that a new install might install the whole mess, just as 
>a new install of Debian stable and backports will.  Kali is after all >Debian 
>7 with mods and apps added.
>IMHO Kali would benefit from getting clear of the choking, restricted carapace 
>of systemd and make a switch to Devuan when it becomes >available.

Thanks for the info Clarke.

I have since rethought my search string to [find / -name *systemd*] and had 
found libsystemd-daemon0 and libsystemd-login0 as well. Still sysvinit is init 
on my install, and I believe the libs are just to satisfy Gnome.

I can't find anything *systemd* in the install iso, aside from a reference to 
the same two libs.

So to be fair, should Kali be left off the wiki or could it be re-added (and 
monitored for changes), since systemd is not installed as the default init?
I am often on the Kali site, and d/l new isos as they come out so it would be 
no issue for me to keep an eye on it.
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