I am a crunchbanger, and my sense is that the community was fine with systemd, that it 
intended to roll right on in to Jesse without asking any questions.  The thinking was 
"Crunchbang is based on Debian, and so it will follow Debian's lead."

(It was a really great distro while it lasted)

On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 09:53:27AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

While I knew of its existence, I never tried Crunchbag, so I cannot
comment on its features or user experience.  Seems a shame that for
whatever reason this Debian derivative is ceasing development.  The
article doesn't really cite specifics other than some things in the
Linux landscape "...have changed beyond all recognition. It’s called
progress, and for the most part, progress is a good thing. That said,
when progress happens, some things get left behind, and for me,
CrunchBang is something that I need to leave behind. I’m leaving it
behind because I honestly believe that it no longer holds any value, and
whilst I could hold on to it for sentimental reasons, I don’t believe
that would be in the best interest of its users, who would benefit from
using vanilla Debian."

I can't help but think that the adoption of systemd for Jessie and
beyond played some role here.  At least that is my take-away and may be
completely at odds with the real reason(s).

- Nate


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