Доброго времени суток, KatolaZ.

Спасибо за ответ, Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:52:39 +0000, вы писали:
> Well, unfortunately there is currently no clear-cut about
> Recommends. In most of the cases a package will work fine 99.99% of
> the times even if you don't have the Recommends installed (as in the
> case of the gdbserver recommended by gdb), in some of the cases a
> Recommend is simply unnecessary (like exim4 recommended by mutt) but
> in many other cases Recommends include "standard" package
> associations, which would make your package loose some
> important/typical functionalities if not installed (like in the case
> of ghostscript recommended by gimp)...

Then may the recommendations should be better separeted/termed. -- So
that in primer case of your example, it should stand as 'recommends'
while the last one -- 'depends'.

С уважением,
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