On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 02:23:41AM +0000, Noel David Torres Taño wrote:
> The question is: is it worth to continue the Devuan Weekly News effort
> when "the people leading the project" issue a different news page without
> coordinating with DWN?

I'd say yes.
> Instead of digesting for you the week on the mailing list, I want you to
> think carefully and say if Devuan Weekly News
> a) is useful
> b) should be coordinated with such announcements

The difference between Devuan Weekly News and project leaders page


the difference between journalism and official announcements.

I'd be sorry to see DWN news stifled now, before there's enough 
experience with it to learn how it would be most useful.


> Will there be an Issue V?

I hope so.

> Thanks for reading so far

You're welcome.

-- hendrik
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