
I tried to write my first middleware today and seem to have failed

Basically I have made a view decorator almost identical to the csrf
ones, that sets a flag on the view function. My middleware then checks
this flag and if missing it runs another function (which deletes some
session variables)

My middleware looks like:

from MySite.cart.checkout.views import _checkout_cleanup
class ReleaseOrderMiddleware(object):
    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args,
        if getattr(view_func, 'preserve_order_details', False):
            _checkout_cleanup(request, True)
        return None

If I turn this on I get errors like:
ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing middleware
MySite.cart.checkout.middleware: "cannot import name

Well, exclusive_boolean_fields is a function, basically a decorator I
apply to my models. The weird thing is it's not imported directly
anywhere in the middleware or  _checkout_cleanup  function.

_checkout_cleanup  does do this though:

def _checkout_cleanup(request, abort_order):
    if CHECKOUT_KEY_ORDER in request.session:
        if abort_order:
            order = request.session[CHECKOUT_KEY_ORDER]
            order.delivery = Decimal('0.00')
            order.delivery_label = ''
            order.status = cart_models.ORDER_STATUS_ABORTED
            order.fulfillment_status =
        del request.session[CHECKOUT_KEY_ORDER]

...so we're working with a model object there.

I realise this code doesn't make an easy test case for others, but I'm
hoping I have made a basic 'aha!' type of blunder.

eg, is it possible to work with model objects at all in the middleware

Why would I get that import error?    (The _checkout_cleanup method
works fine from within a view.)

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