yeap, that's another way this could be done. incrementing
comments_count on signal.
actually, i'm inclined to your first method, since it's seems easier
for my to accomplish. i'm also considering writing a templatetag just
for the practice. nevere have i need to write templatetag till now.

thank you for sharing your thoughts.

On 13 апр, 00:03, "" <>
> I'm not saying it's the best way, but I would either define my own
> get_comment_count in my application's that looped through
> the ojbects comments (and their comments) to get an accurate count.
> OR
> I would store comment_count locally on the object and send a signal
> when a comment is saved, something like (and excuse the pseudo-code)
> if this.parent = object or this.parent.parent = object: comment.count
> += 1
> On Apr 12, 2:18 pm, fuxter <> wrote:
> > hey everyone,
> > i'm a young django user and need some advice or opinions on the way of
> > general use.
> > in my application (blog-like site) i have objects and they can have
> > comments. i also decided to implement limited comment reply feature.
> > so the objects can have comments, and those comments can have comments
> > as well. it turn out to be one level nested comments. comments for
> > comments can't have replies.
> > at this point i'm stuck with get_comment_count template tag that
> > returns only object's comments count, naturally. and i need to count
> > all the replies altogether.
> > so my question is how would you do that? should i add a method to
> > commented object that would count all the replies? maybe i could hack
> > the comments/templatetags framework? or should i write my own
> > templatetag?
> > i guess all the options are pretty usable and they don't cross the
> > django way, which is very liberal. i just wanted to know you opinion,
> > what would you prefer?
> > ps: pardon my russian =)

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