Replying to my own message - problem solved - ignore previous posting!

I forgot to include my variables in my response
so expected values were not being passed - I was doing this:

    variables = RequestContext(request, {
    'form': form,
    'caller': caller,
    'error': error

   return render_to_response('search.html')

instead of:

    variables = RequestContext(request, {
    'form': form,
    'caller': caller,
    'error': error

    return render_to_response('search.html', variables)

Just another brain fart at my end. Sometimes I just can't see the wood
for the trees<g>!

On Apr 12, 1:21 pm, BrendanC <> wrote:
> I have a reusable search form and want to display a different form
> header based on where/how the search is called from (I get this from
> the url). In the search template I'd like to test a variable to
> determine which header to display. I need to somehow pass variable
> from the view the template - something like this:
>     form = SearchForm({'Retired' :'Retired Staff''})
> then in the search template check the Retired variable :
> <p/>
>     {% if Retired %}
>         <h3>  Search Retired Staff List.</h3>
>     {% endif %}
> </p>
> The generic search form class is"
> class   SearchForm(forms.Form):
>     # Create a Search Form - set form header to value passed by
> caller
>     query = forms.CharField(
>             label=u'Search by Employee ID ',
>             widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 32})
>             )
> The catch here is that the variable is not a field on the form. So how
> can Ito pass context info at form creation time? Is this possible?

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