You could query like this:


This would give you a set of questions where an answer exists. Setting
it to True would give you a set where answers don't exist.

On Apr 12, 12:20 pm, Jim N <> wrote:
> Just to clarify, I'm trying to filter questions that have an answer,
> but I don't know the particular answer.  I just want to determine
> whether or not an answer object exists, with the foreign key of this
> question.
> I could do
>   Answer.objects.filter(question = my_question)
> but I am filtering questions on a number of parameters, such as text
> of the question.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> On Apr 12, 11:50 am, Jim N <> wrote:
> > Hi Djangoists,
> > I have a model "question" which has a one-to-many relationship with
> > "answer".
> > class Question(models.Model):
> >     text = models.TextField()
> > class Answer(models.Model):
> >     text = models.TextField()
> >     question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
> > I can't figure out how to construct a filter that will give me
> > - just questions where there isn't an answer
> > - just questions where there is an answer
> > Is this really easy and I'm just not seeing it?
> > Thanks,
> > Jim

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