On Apr 10, 4:40 pm, Laereom <jamesdbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As the title suggests, I'm creating a dynamic form via a class
> factory.
> Here is what I'm doing inside the class factory itself (as far as
> actually making the class goes):
>                 class _QuestionAnswerForm(forms.Form):
>                         response =
> forms.IntegerField(widget=RadioSelect(choices=choice_list))
>                 return _QuestionAnswerForm
> Here is what I'm doing outside the class factory:
>         _QuestionAnswerForm =
> question_manager.generate_question_form(1,question)
>         question_answer_form = _QuestionAnswerForm()
> I'm a bit ambiguous on the details of how class factories / etc work,
> so I may be doing that bit wrong.
> Either way, when I try to render this as either just a string or a
> form, I get the following error:t
> Caught an exception while rendering: string index out of range
> Peeking at the local variables, question_answer_form appears to be:
> <agora.questionmanager._QuestionAnswerForm object at 0x90d69ac>
> Note that it is an object rather than an instance.  I suspect that's
> my problem, due to some quirk of dynamic classes, but I have no idea
> how to fix it.
> Any advice?

Is the only reason you're doing a classfactory in order to set the
choices dynamically?  If so, a much easier way is to use a normal
class but override the __init__ method and set the value of
self['fieldname'].choices there.


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