On Apr 9, 10:54 pm, Joakim Hove <joakim.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have something I would presume was a very common pattern. I have a
> view which gets a primary-key (from the user) as second argument:
> def my_view( request , pk ):
>      obj = Class.objects.get( pk = pk)
>      # Do something with obj and return a suitable response.
> Now, of course I would like to check whether the object identified by
> 'pk' is in the database, and return a suitable error message if that
> fails; I was halfway expecting to find a "has_key() / exists() / ..."
> method, but it seems the only way to handle this gracefully is by
> catching the DoesNotExist exception?
> I have never really got very friendly with exceptions, I tend to
> consider them as something exceptional which "should not" happen,
> whereas the fact that the database does not contain a particular key
> is in my opinion something quite ordinary and not by any means
> "exceptional".
> Or maybe I am misunderstanding roally here?
> Joakim

Although I agree with the other posts that there isn't anything
exceptional about exceptions in Python, there is a shortcut for
exactly this pattern: get_object_or_404. See the documentation:

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