Either I don't understand how CheckboxSelectMultiple works or there is
a bug in Django 1.2. I have tried the following custom multi select
fields I have found around the web.


Out of desperation I tried using a ManyToMany field and all produce
the same validation error when used with either CheckboxSelectMultiple
or SelectMultiple.

'Select a valid choice. [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4'] is not one of the
available choices.'

This happens regardless of the number of choices, types of the choices
tuple values, or the model field type.

Can anyone point me to an example that demonstrates how to properly
use these fields.


On Apr 2, 5:19 pm, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know that I used (some revision of) that snippet a while back.
> Realize that what it stores is a string, containing digits and commas.
> The to_python and get_db_prep_value methods are responsible for
> converting between that database single string and a list of strings,
> not integers.  You can use any string (that doesn't contain comma) to
> represent a choice (db value).  I had two character ID flags (easier to
> read in pgadmin).  It did work, but I forget the details (I eventually went
> to multi to multi and the one end of many to one relationships).  So I
> expect that the DB side of your choice tuples must be strings.
> Bill
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:37 PM, ben <ben.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sorry. I pasted code that I was experimenting with. I thought maybe
> > the validation code was looking for strings because that is what the
> > error code said it was looking for. Before that I had been using
> > integers and that doesn't seem to work either. I am wondering if this
> > is a bug in Django 1.2. I hunted around on Django snippets as Bill
> > Freeman suggested and found the following 
> > codehttp://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1200/
> > for a custom multiple selection field.
> > I inserted it into my app and it doesn't want to validate the
> > selection either. In fact it returns a validation error message
> > similar to what I received from CommaSeperatedIntegerField and
> > CheckboxSelectMultiple. "Value [u'1'] is not a valid choice."
> > Not sure what is going on. Any insights would be appreciated.
> > On Apr 2, 3:06 pm, orokusaki <flashdesign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> The problem is that you're using '1' instead of 1. The comma
> >> separated integer list is expecting integers not strings. The reason
> >> you're seeing u'1' is because it's being turned from a string to a
> >> unicode object.
> >> Try this instead:
> >> SOME_CHOICES =  ((1, 'ch1'),(2, 'ch2'), (3, 'ch3'),(4, 'ch4'))
> > --
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