I already found a solution by myself:

doing this into the forms.py inside the class does the trick:

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(FilterForm, self) .__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.fields['host'].choices =
Test.objects.values_list('hostname', 'hostname').distinct()

On Mar 30, 10:32 am, Thomas <thomasje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I try to get a list with distinct into the forms.py like this:
> forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Events.objects.values('hostname'),
> required=False).distinct()
> In the python shell this command works perfect, but when trying it in
> forms.py leaves me a blank form, so nothing appears. When i just do
> Events.objects.all() the form appears, but distinct doesn't work with
> Events.objects.all()... i also tried values_list etc but doesn't seem
> to fit into the forms neither... anyone got an idea how to get a
> SELECT DISTINCT into a ModelMultipleChoiceField?
> I read some other questions about this at stackoverflow but nothing
> seems to work out with me, so hopefully someone knows how to do this
> in forms.py.
> Thxs in advance

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