Sorry for not making it clear. The idea is to use default admin
template and help the admin to enter data from admin interface. I will
enter data via admin's default template. Lets say I have People and
Publications Table in my database. So when I click admin's add button,
it will display some fields to enter data for People and Publication
Tables. When I click save, the data will be saved to People and
Publications table. People and Publications are not related. They are
different tables. I cant use inlines option ind admin,py because the
tables should be related.

On 28 Mart, 15:37, Gramware <> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 8:40 pm, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> > I have two questions.
> > 1)I have two tables(People, Publication) and they are not related and
> > I want to display the fields of these tables on the same admin page.
> > So when I fill all the fields, I want to insert these values into
> > people and publication tables.
> I do not fully understand your question, but if you would like to
> Iterate (loop over) 2 values in your template at  the same time, you
> can use the zip command like blow
> In your
> peo = People.objects.all()
> pub=Publications.objects.all()
> render_to_response(template.html, {'tables':zip(peo,pub)})
> in your template (template.html)
> {% for pe, pu in tables %}
> {{pe.field1}} {{pu.field1}}
> {% endfor %}
> I am assuming that for each record in people, there is a matching one
> in publications
> > 2) I also want to insert the id values of people and publication to a
> > bridge table(lets say PeoplePublication) whenever I do the first step.
> > I guess I cant do the 1st one with inlines. How can I do this?
> Why not use a ForeignKey?

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