
I'm unsure if and how to use DateFormat from django/utils/
dateformat.py .

I'd like to use a local (Dutch) representation of dates. What I get
u'26th March 2010'

I'd like that to be in Dutch. How do I do that?

Major thanks!


My IPython looks like this:

In [1]: import datetime

In [2]: d = datetime.datetime.now()

In [3]: from django.utils.dateformat import DateFormat

In [4]: df = DateFormat(d)

In [5]: df.format('jS F Y')
Out[5]: u'26th March 2010'

In [6]:

In [7]: import settings

In [8]: settings.USE_L10N
Out[8]: True

In [9]: settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
Out[9]: 'nl'

In [10]: settings.LANGUAGES
Out[10]: (('nl', 'Dutch'),)

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