I don't understand why is it obvious that an 'else' won't work. If a single
{% else %} is not what you want, you can nest {% if %} clauses. But if you
are doing this it can also mean that you should move this logic to the view
and just pass the final table to the template.

- Paulo

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:20 PM, ALJ <astley.lejas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a template that shows a matrix table of form text input boxes.
> When the form is new, then it should be just empty text boxes. If data
> already exists, then the form gets repopulated with data.
> What I am looking for it this:
> POLO | Empty text box | 3 |  3
> PASSAT | 1 | 0 | 0
> SCIROCCO | Empty text box | Empty text box |  1
> What I get is this:
> POLO | No box | 3 |  3
> PASSAT | 1 | 0 | 0
> PASSAT | No box | No box |  1
> My template is:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> <tr>
>    <th class="centered">{{ rate.cost_item.name }}</th>
>        {% for appointment in appointments %}
>    <td class="centered">
>        {% for sale in sales %}
>            {% if sale.appointment.id == appointment.id and
> rate.cost_item.id == sale.cost_rate.cost_item.id %}
>                <input type="text" name="sales_{{rate.id}}
> _{{ appointment.id }}" value="{{sale.units}}" size="4" maxlength="4"
> style="text-align:center" />
>            {% endif %}
>        {% endfor %}
>    </td>
>    {% endfor %}
> </tr>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Obviously, if try to put an 'else' anywhere in that sales loop to say
> put an empty text input box, I'll get as many boxes as there are sales
> within each table cell.
> Is there anyway to get around this?
> Or with I need to create my own filter to do this?
> --
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