Hi. All that you say is totally clear to me, but I tried to suit the
customer's needs. And, yes, I finished my deals on just saving the
images serverside and sending links to files over e-mail. Thanks for

Another question that bothers me is the following.

        for (k, v) in request.FILES.items():
            file_data = open('%s/%s' % (dir, filename), 'wb')

That's not all the loop but that's enough to understand that I write
uploaded files to another location to give a link in e-mail.

I'm not really sure if it's correct - the files after upload are saved
to temp directory or RAM, but I actually read them again "v.read()" to
save to another loaction. Is that ok? Is there other way to save
uploaded files without reading them again?


On Mar 18, 8:19 pm, Jirka Vejrazka <jirka.vejra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've got a form with 20 ImageFields - such a form for sending photos
> > to the site admin as a request for a new user. Well, Django certainly
> > handles and uploads the, that's OK. But when it comes to sending all
> > thefilesas an attachment - I got stuck.
> > Smallfilesare read nicely. But when someone "clever" fills out all
> > the formfiles(all the twenty) with images each one at least 10 Mb -
> > Django consumes so much memory... so I'm not in knowledge to handle
> > that.
> Hi,
>  emailis not really suitable for sendinglargeamounts of data. The
> fact that people use it that way is a bit sad, but you should not
> really follow their example.
>   So, you're trying to send up to 200 MB viaemail. That's in fact
> some 270 MB, because binary data is base64 encoded in emails,
> typically (not always, but often). That is the reason for the memory
> problem.
>   As Paulo pointed out, created a unique, temporary URL for
> downloading those images and send just the link to that URL.
>   HTH
>    Jirka

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