> Most likely, yes. And those people, believe it or not, designed
> Django's APIs based on their experiences. This is why there are
> shortcuts available, like the get_or_create() method (which fetches an
> object or, if none matches, creates a valid one, populated with
> default values you supply, for you), and why these sorts of methods
> are covered in Django's documentation.

I want a NullObject - not "create", which (correctly) implies a save()

> In general, though, it appears you're trying to apply an anti-pattern:
> silencing an exception which told you that something went wrong, and
> then passing a "null" object into other code to try to compensate.
> This is an approach more likely to create bugs than to solve them, and
> so if implementing it is a bit harder than you'd like, perhaps that's
> why.

And again the condescension. As a programmer, I should be able to
easily chose between statements that throw and ones that efficiently
deal with branching conditions. A record-not-found is not a crisis, it
is just a branching condition. 5 excess lines of code do not make my
program more robust.

Oh, look! "123"[:7] ! The string doesn't have 7 characters! Gee,
shouldn't that throw an exception?


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