On 24 fév, 21:11, harryos <oswald.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sorry,
> missed while copying
> def save(self):
>       self.name=self.name.strip()
>       if (not self.pk):
>           if Article.objects.filter(name__iexact=self.name).count()!
> =0:
>               raise Exception('article exists..')

Now this will only check for duplicate names if it's a new article !-)

The correct test would be:

    others = Article.objects.filter(name__iexact=self.name)
    if self.pk:
        others = other.exclude(pk=self.pk)
    # zero has a false value in boolean expressions
    # so you don't need an explicit test:
    if others.count():
        # use a more specific Exception - possibly
        # one you defined yourself
        raise UniqueConstraintViolation("yadda yadda")
     # ok, proceed...
     super(Article, self).save(*args, **kw)

But anyway: you already specified the unique constraint in the 'name'
field definition, so adding this code in your model save() method is
just useless - the uniqueness constraint WILL be applied at the db

> this causes 500 error,and causes the traceback displayed on
> browser..how can I prevent this crash and give the user some useful
> warning?

Do the test in your ModelForm 'clean_name' method and raise a
ValidationError there. Useful documentation here:



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