In Feb 24, 1:00 pm, Jesaja Everling <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Is there any difference between these two ways of using
> RequestContext?
> I'm asking because I usually use the first approach, but I want to
> make sure that there are no subtle differences.
> 1)
> def index(request):
>     return render_to_response('index.html',
>                               RequestContext(request,
>                                              {}
>                                              ))

This actually work (at least it should), but it's a bit of a waste
since loader.render_to_string (which is called by render_to_response)
will build a Context object from the mapping (here a

> 2)
> def index(request):
>     return render_to_response('index.html',
>                              {},
>                               context_instance =
> RequestContext(request))

This is the canonical way to call render_to_response. You should
switch to this one IMHO.

>From a quick glance at Django's source code, it shouldn't AFAICT make
any difference, except for the useless overhead of building a Context
object from the RequestContext instance. FWIW, one of the nice
features of OSS is that, well, it's open source - so if you find the
documentation unclear or lacking, you can access the most accurate and
up to date doc : the source code itself !-)

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