
Thanks for trying to help, but I am aware of the django-cms project.  I have

already tried to use it, but it proved to be a nightmare to install on my

I could probably make it work, but the main problem is that I am seeking
for something that works like a wiki :  to have a "edit" button that allows
editing with wiki syntax.  I don't want to edit the pages from some
interface. And an essential feature is that editing uses wiki markup.

So, perhaps I should re-word my question : which is the best wiki
built with django?

Obviously I have already tried to search this on the internet,  but the '
wiki '  keyword
is a tricky one to search.  Most projects have their own wiki ,  so the
results for
searches like 'django wiki'   typically point me to "the wiki of the Django

Adrian M.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 23:59, piz...@gmail.com <piz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First google result for "django cms":
> http://www.django-cms.org/
> Hope this is what you need :)
> El 23/02/2010, a las 22:53, Adrian Maier escribió:
>  Hello all,
>> I am looking for a solution for creating a website that :
>> - is a presentation for a company
>> - the contents is editable in wiki-style
>> - allows full control over the template used by each page
>> - has search capabilities
>> - is preferably implemented with django
>> So I am basically looking for a content management system that
>> works like a wiki :  only a limited number of users that can authenticate
>> and edit pages. The rest of the world should not be aware that the
>> website is a wiki  : no user registration, no editing, no page history,
>> and not even 'edit' links for the non-authenticated users .
>> Does anyone happen to know about a project similar to what
>> i've described above ?
>> Cheers,
>> Adrian M.
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Adrian Maier

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