I'd rather stay out and limit myself to rectify incorrect statements
if any. For example I'll say the documentation is not new. It has been
there for 2 years, it's just that was not free and cost $12. It is
actually old now. It still does not describe lots of new functionality
and we are trying to catch up.

I really wish our communities were friendlier to each other, but I
take full responsibility for this.
I also think and stated many times that comparisons and discussions
like this are in my view positive because they can help both improve.
I strongly believe the future of python web framework is positively
correlated and not anti-correlated. We may as well try help each

Some differences like the template engine syntax are a matter of taste
and it is good that users have a choice. No size fits all.

I happy to have a similar discussion on the web2py since it can help
us improve.


On Feb 19, 8:38 am, Wiiboy <jordon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that there have been a lot of things in common:
> Web2py _didn't_ have very good docs, at least relative to Django's
> (which are spectacular), but now that the Web2py book is available
> online, that issue is kind of moot.
> Admin -- Web2py has two different Admins, one which doesn't have a
> Django equivalent (lets you manage apps, etc. from it, pretty handy)
> and a not-as-good-as-Django's-Admin appadmin.  Although it certainly
> could do the job for my tiny site =)
> And the explicit vs. implicit imports: Personally, I love the fact
> that the request object is available all over the place, including
> models, and that I don't have to do any importing.
> My final complaint about Web2py is its templating engine: if I want my
> Dad to do the HTML on my website, I'd rather not make him learn
> "Python", per se, rather, I'd like him to learn a slightly different
> but less strict of a syntax templating engine.
> Ok, I'm done.  Feel free to comment on anything above (including you
> Massimo =)

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