> > Is there a canonical definition or even a reference implementation
> > of a slug =3D slugify(str) function somewhere?  Yeah, I could go
> > grep through the sources and maybe find one?  And yes, I see:
> >=20
> >    http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#slugfield
> >=20
> > But even that is a bit ambiguous as to the treatment of underscores.
> Could you clarify what you mean by "ambiguous as to the treatment of unders=
> cores"?  I don't see an ambiguity, so I wonder what I'm missing.

Some places say underscores are valid, others say they removed:



        Converts to lowercase, removes non-word characters
        (alphanumerics and underscores) and converts spaces to
        hyphens. Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.

> My understanding is that a slug is usable as a URL; that's really the synta=
> x definition, and is why it is limited to "only letters, numbers, underscor=
> es or hyphens." A slug is effectively an artifact of Django's birth in jour=
> nalism-on-the-web, and an extraordinarily handy one.  As such, it exists fo=
> r practical reasons, rather than purity.

Sure, I get that.

It would be nice to use the same (or at least internally consistent)
definition, of course.

> I do indeed use the slugify() function for precisely that pattern.

Exactly *which* slugify() function?  Documentation reference?
Import from line?

> I override the model's save method, and populate the slug field prior
> to allowing the save to proceed.  I picked up that trick from some
> other code somewhere; it isn't uncommon.

Well, yeah.  That's what I want to do too! :-)  Any chance you
can post a snippet for me?

> HTH,



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