I appreciate that this is a very common question. I have searched
through the forums and now totally confused. There seems to be loads
of different methods you could use, but I wondered if there is a
pattern for managing different user types.

1. The best way to do a simple extension of user information?
As far as I can tell, the best way is to use User Profiles. Ok. I get
- "Storing Additional Information About Users" (http://

2. How about controlling how different user types show up in the admin
If you have someone administering the database, wouldn't it be better
to have a clear distinction between the user types? So for example,
instead of just users, would you have Teachers and Students split into
different sections. Or would you just have a single user interface,
but with the ability to define the user type. Would you subclass in
this instance? Perhaps create a custom Manager? Perhaps another
example. If you had a tutorial appointment form where one teacher and
one student meet. Maybe you'd use a filter the foreign key looking at
the user type in the profile.
- Managers (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/topics/db/managers/)

3. How do you extend beyond simple profiles?
But what happens if not all users have the same profile types. For
example, Students may have course info and education history, whereas
Teachers won't need that. And how do you manage where information is
required for one group, but not the other, such as teachers bank
details or this years performance grade ... (ok not a great example
but you get the idea).

4. How do you manage the link between User Types and Authorisation
Lets say for example I want teachers to have access to one type of
interface and students access to another. Would you define a user type
in the profile and check the profile when rendering the interface?
Would you just use Authorisation Groups and check if they are
authorised to see the page? Would you do both, so for example, when a
new teacher is added to users, you code so that they are automatically
set to the Teachers Authorisation Group?

- "Authentication data in templates" (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/



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