On 01/20/2010 01:21 PM, Matt Schinckel wrote:

> On Jan 20, 9:25 pm, Olivier Guilyardi <m...@xung.org> wrote:


>> Please see my last mail, this issue is resolved. Indeed it was import-related
>> and silently failing.
> Yes, it came through as I was replying :)

Then I think that it would be better to follow up on this other post of mine
(01/18/2010 11:04 PM).

>> I believe this is a Django bug, although I got no comments to my last post.
> It is certainly annoying: tests just don't run, and the only way to
> find out why is to drop into a shell and import the offending
> module...

Indeed, silent failures are truly frustrating. Noisy errors are a blessing in

> Might put some time into finding out why exceptions are not propagated
> while importing tests in django.

I already spent some time debugging this, and explain what happens (and might
happen) in my previous post.

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