On Jan 5, 5:16 pm, pjmorse <flashesofpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently picked up a Django project from another developer, and I
> seem to have introduced an annoying bug.
> It's a multi-language site: US, UK, DE. (Why US and UK are considered
> different languages is organizational politics beyond the scope of my
> work.) When a "news article" is created, its body text is used to
> create three "news translations" (NewsTrans object), one for each
> language.
> This is done by looping over the list of languages and saving a
> NewsTrans in each language. The source language is marked as already
> translated, the other two are not (that is, they still need
> translating).
> The problem is that this is done with ns.save() (where ns is a
> NewsTransForm with the submitted data), and what's actually happening
> is that one NewsTrans is created, then it is updated twice, ending in
> the third language.
> I thought I could fix this with ns.save(force_insert=True) but that
> throws errors instead: "save() got an unexpected keyword argument
> 'force_insert'".
> The site is using Django 1.0.2.
> I'm pretty much wedged on this now, so any pointers would be greatly
> welcomed.

Some code would have been helpful.

I note that force_insert is an argument to the **model** save method,
not the form one, so that's perhaps your issue. For the form, perhaps
you can do newobj1 = form.save(commit=False) and repeat newobj2 and
newobj3, then save them all individually.
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