On Saturday 02 January 2010 10:55:11 Waqqas Jabbar wrote:
> Hi,
> There are audio players available for djagon, but is there any django
> project the provide audio recording capability?
> My search has not produce any good results.
> There are some python based libraries liky PyAudio (
> http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/) or Gstreamer python binding,
> that can be used. Can anyone give me some ideas on how to make one of my
>  own ?
> I want to record only short clip.Can javascript be used for audio recording
> on client computer and the upload the file?
> peace
> waqqas
> --


If your purpose is to record/read live stream via a website, I think it's then
better to provide either a java applet or a flash application that help the
user to record audio or video via your website.

For flash applications, you can use red5[1] which is an open source flash
server implemented in java. It allows you to record/read live streams through
flash applications (If you are brave or feisty... you could implement this
server in python ;)

[1] http://osflash.org/red5

If you need to implement a client in flash, you can use openlazlo[2] or use
an-already-existing client. I know that the dokeos[3] project has one but I
never tried to compile it or install it myself.

[2] http://www.openlaszlo.org/
[3] http://dokeos.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dokeos/trunk/videoconference/

Hope this helps.


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