On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:15 PM, davathar <davat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ramiro, thanks for the links.  That other thread does seem to describe
> the same problem and results in it being identified as a bug in the
> core urlresolvers.  Unfortunately the work around of "RewriteRule ^/
> studio$ /studio/ [R] " doesn't work for me for some reason.  Maybe I'm
> misapplying it.
> Either way.  I'm going to drop this for now and see what happens with
> the ticket that was opened.  It seems like this would be a very big
> issue if everyone using mod_wsgi had problems when using django from
> anywhere other than the root url.  But there are few posts about it.
> So I'm going to start over and see if I missed something critical in
> my setup.
Just to clarify, though it is clear you've already found it, the ticket to
watch for the problem identified in that thread is:


The other one (#9435) mentioned earlier describes a somewhat different
problem.  The thread and ticket #12464 show a problem determining the script
name only when the PATH_INFO for the current request is completely empty.
So reverse called from (or url tag in a template rendered by) the view that
handles the root page sees a problem, when it is called as a result of a a
request for (in your case):


but not:


because in the 2nd case PATH_INFO is not empty, it is '/'.

Based on the urls you were mentioning earlier in the thread it wasn't clear
whether the problem with reverse, in your case, is limited to reversals
attempted while serving the root (for your project) page, when requested
without a trailing slash.  If the rewrite rule is not working, then I
suspect you are seeing a different problem, but I don't know what is causing
it.  I have been able to mount Django projects not at the root of the URL
tree with Apache/mod_wsgi, and reverse works correctly.

Do the links within admin work?  That was one curiosity noted in the earlier
thread (admin links did work) that pointed toward the fact that the problem
was only when serving the root page.



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