
I wonder if I could make the entire site out of plugables.  Then
designers would have a well defined (or at least standard) set of
views and templates to program against.  It would also be useful for
newbies to find templates and designs for these commonly used apps.

I've created a simple voting thingy on "Moderator" at this url: .... Please suggest
and vote for the sort of apps you'd like to see included into a

On a side-note, I wonder if there's a way to create a "template-
loader" which will return the uploaded templates.  My current
implementation is to use a "r'(P<design_slug>.*?)/" in my to
determine which template to load.  This would be an annoying way to
implement it if I'm including pluggables.
Any thoughts?

On Jan 2, 2:43 pm, Dougal Matthews <> wrote:
> 2010/1/2 Raja <>
> > IMO, it would be useful if we get standard templates for django
> > libraries that are out there, like django-registration, django-
> > profiles etc. Since the library offers the models and views, it would
> > be helpful if the templates are also available. The developer could
> > then take it and modify it to adapt to their website.
> +1 making templates that are fitted for common apps (including contrib)
> would be great.
> > Also, frameworks like Blueprint CSS ( make
> > it much easier to start designing a layout by providing a pre-defined
> > template , so its not all that difficult now, but blueprint could be
> > one of the templates thats available in the original poster's library.
> +1 again - would help with standardisation of what is made


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