I found some date formatting in forms/fields.py, forms/widgets.py and
in contrib/localflavor/generic/forms.py. I tried if small
modifications resulted in a different output, but nothing worked. I
also tried to change the local setting in settings.py. Is there a way
to modify the date ouptut format?

On 18 dec, 11:21, rvandam <het.oos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I saw a solution on the list to format a datefield in a template.
> Unfortunately i didnt find any solution for formatting a datefield in
> a mailform. I have this in my model:
>   Aankomst = forms.DateField(('%d/%m/%Y',), widget=forms.DateTimeInput
> (format='%d/%m/%Y', attrs={
>                         'class':'formVeld',
>                         'readonly':'readonly',
>                         'size':'8'
>                         }), required=False)
> This is a part of my view:
>                         Aankomst = form.cleaned_data['Aankomst']
>                         aankomst = str(Aankomst)
>                         message = aankomst
> The date output in my mail is:
> 2010-07-30
> I would like it to have it as: 03/07/2010 Is there a solution for this?


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