Hi, I am trying to compare some existing permissions with the
permissions that a project member has. From views.py i am giving a
list with all available permissions. The problem is that the
permission format is different and i cannot think of a slick way to
compare them..My mind hovers around string operations which may solve
my problem but will mess up my code.

{% for permission in available_permissions %} {# permission
format:"our_eco_demo | spreadsheet test | Can delete spreadsheet test"
{% endfor %}

{% for memberPermission in projectMember.member.get_all_permissions %}
{# permission format: "our_eco_demo.add_point" #}
{% endfor %}

I was also wondering if a possibility like the following exists,
{% for permission in available_permissions %}
    {% if projectMember.member.has_perm.{{permission.codename}} %} {#
since {{permission.codename}} is suitable.. #}
{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


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