Or you could hack/port the library Peter spoke of earlier and add the  
functionality you are looking for :] but how would you admin it, and i  
bet alot would break at first sight.

On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Peter Herndon wrote:

> On Dec 3, 2009, at 3:29 PM, bfrederi wrote:
>> I'm not looking to avoid effort. I just don't want a bunch of extra
>> users cluttering up my system if I don't need to. I have no desire  
>> for
>> them to exist in my system for any reason. I want to keep the number
>> of django users limited in my system so it is easier to manage them  
>> in
>> admin.
>> Thanks for the import advice though. Unfortunately, it's not what I'm
>> seeking.
> In which case, you'll need to rewrite an awful lot of contrib.auth  
> to work with LDAP directly.  The existing contrib.auth is designed  
> to work with User models stored in a relational database,  
> manipulated via the standard Django ORM.  There are any number of  
> working snippets for importing user data from LDAP or other sources  
> on successful authentication, but they all work by creating a User  
> and storing the model in the db.  They just get their user info from  
> AD, or wherever.  The one you chose is very workable.
> While it sounds like a grand thing to avoid the redundancy of  
> storing your users both in the db and in your original source, the  
> amount of work involved makes it a non-starter for all but the most  
> obsessed.  And it really doesn't buy you much, practically  
> speaking.  I'd suggest to you that a better approach would be to  
> work on customizing the admin to separate out your LDAP users from  
> your local-to-Django users, I seem to recall seeing some snippets to  
> that purpose.  Basically, just rope off your LDAP users and ignore  
> them.
> Though if you *do* wind up rewriting contrib.auth to work directly  
> from LDAP, please do post, I'd love to see it.
> ---Peter
> P.S.:  Thanks for the plug, Mike!  :)
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