Hi Tim,

Thanks for the response.

My Test model:

class Test(models.Model):
     text = models.CharField(max_length=50)
     image = models.ImageField(upload_to="upload/test_images/",  
blank=True, null=True)
     #also tried with FileField

     def __unicode__(self):
         return self.text

class TestAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     save_as = True

admin.site.register(Test, TestAdmin)

On 28/11/2009, at 2:43 PM, Tim Valenta wrote:

> Does the newly created model lack a path entirely, or does it have a
> path that points to a false location? In other words, is the right
> path making it to the database, yet not to the filesystem to copy the
> file?  Also, since you didn't mention anything about it, I would
> remind you that a proper test would include trying to make a change to
> the FileField.  If you don't try to change it, yet push "Save as new",
> it won't be uploading the file again, so it won't be part of the list
> of fields that it's manipulating.  And that might be where the problem
> lies.  Could you confirm your suspicion from any playing around you
> can do?

> If you're sure that you really are setting it up for success yet it
> fails anyway,  you might consider overriding "save_model" on your
> ModelAdmin, so that you can play with the values and see what's going
> on:
>    # ... in your ModelAdmin subclass
>    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
>        super( **YourClassName**, self).save_model(self, request,
> object, form, change)
>        # Check if a file upload is present on this save request
>        if 'your_file_field_name' in request.FILES:
>            # FileField object, already saved and
>            # migrated to the supposedly correct "upload_to" location
>            obj.your_file_field_name
> Hope that gets some cogs turning.. :)
> Tim

The path on the saved as new file does not get saved, it doesn't even  
appear in request.POST: image="", and request.FILES is empty. If I  
remove blank=True from the definition, admin ask for the field to be  
filled out.

If I submit a different file on the save as new, the new files gets  
saved no problems.

I hope thats clear :-)




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