Unlike the render_to_response shortcut, generic views only accepts a
single template name, not a list of templates.

These views could be improved by accepting multiple templates and the
compatibility wouldn't be affected.

One reason that this could be useful: having a categorized news
listing that may need different templates for each category or
fallback to a default template if the custom isn't found. Something
like this:

from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
from news.models import Entry

def news_by_category(request, slug, **kwargs):
    kwargs['template_name'] = ('news/%s/entry_list.html' % slug, 'news/
    kwargs['queryset'] = Entry.objects.filter(category__slug=category)
    return object_list(request, **kwargs)

Does anyone have interest on this?
Django 1.2 will have class-based generic views, should they accept
multiple templates?


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