On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Alessandro Ronchi <
alessandro.ron...@soasi.com> wrote:

> I get the same problem also with an Assert False (a typical debug symbol
> I've used with mod_python).
> http://dpaste.com/122226/
> no browser and no email, only logs.

You seem to have put the assert False in settings.py, and the code is
(still) dying during load of middleware, since that is triggering a load of
settings.  Look at the top of the trace.  The code is here:


That is, within the call to self.load_middleware().  The special handling of
exceptions that produces pretty debug pages and sends error email isn't done
until you get into get_response (called down several lines from the


Specifically when that method call handle_uncaught_exception:


which either produces the pretty error page or sends email, depending on
DEBUG setting.

Really, you can get both pretty debug pages and emails with mod_wsgi as well
as you can with the development server or mod_python.  I've seen both.  The
problem with both exception traces you have shown is that the exception is
occurring too early in the processing -- neither of these exceptions you
have posted would ever result in a debug page or an error email, regardless
of deployment setup.



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