Ok, so the model, the formfield and the widget each take a 'choices'
attribute.  You have to specify the choices on the formfield for any
choices to show up.

incidentally the styling of CheckboxSelectMultiple seems to be
buggered in the admin, on a Mac at least (FF and Safari)

On Nov 18, 12:06 pm, anentropic <p...@blues.co.nz> wrote:
> I am trying to use a CommaSeparatedIntegerField in one of my
> models...  there doesn't seem to be a suitable widget for editing this
> field though?
> Seems like one of the 'select multiple' widgets would be an obvious
> choice. SelectMultiple seems the default widget for it in admin, but
> it renders an empty list.  I wanted to use CheckboxSelectMultiple but
> that renders nothing (same problem I guess)
> It even renders nothing if I specify the 'choices' again on the form
> field.
> How are you supposed to use these things?


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