What everyone else said.  But, also, Snow Leopard made Python complicated.  It 
ships with 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6.  There's an easy_install for each version.  If 
you easy_install the MySQLdb module without specifying which easy_install 
you're using, it will use whatever the default version of Python is (defaults 
to 2.6 unless you changed it).  The backtrace indicates you're using Py 2.6, so 
you should be okay, unless you ran easy_install-2.5 to install the MySQL 
module, in which case the wrong version of Python received the module, in which 
case 2.6 won't find it.

Yay, something to make it more complicated!  Woo!


Adam Knight
codepoetry - http://www.codepoetry.net/products/

On Nov 16, 2009, at 11:40 PM, jd_python wrote:

> What am I possibly doing wrong?


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