On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Yours,
> > Russ Magee %-)
> Yours wouldn't happen to know an answer for this, right?
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/a91f161f386f10da/2eaccb410c4c0692
> I literally don't know how to develop without TDD, and the inability
> to call any but the most trivial GET actions is really impairing me...
> I suspect that question got no response because it isn't at all clear (to
me) what the problem is.

There are three lines of code listed (not a complete test or anything that
someone could run locally and see what happens) and the statement that they
are "not working" with no explanation of what, exactly, that means.  Do you
get an error?  Does the test fail when you think it should pass, or pass
when you think it should fail?  Does your computer burst into flames?

There is reference to a "confusing mishmash" of Google results without
specific citing of any one that might could have provided a few pointers as
to the nature of the problem inherent in those three lines of code.   I,
personally, prefer puzzles with a few more clues, so I recall reading that
message and moving on without really looking too closely.

Looking again, I'll make a guess.  Is the problem you are attempting to ask
about that the session variable set on the test client side is not reflected
in the session as seen by the server view?  If so, then likely you are
looking for ticket #10899 to be fixed:


That includes what looks to be straightforward (if self-described "ugly")
ways to work around the current behavior in the meantime, though I have not
experimented with any of that code.

If that is not the problem you are hitting then you would likely get better
results if you would spell out in some detail what the problem is.



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