I am just learning Object Oriented terminology as I go along. Please
help me to understand what each word means in the class definition in
the tutorial http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/ .
Thank you.

class => defines a class

Poll => name of the class? [my guess: this is just a name; it is not
used in the database?]

(models.Model): => what is this? [my guess: there is a django class
called model and that has a subclass called Model and this statement
says that Poll is a subcalls of Model which is subclass of model?]

question => the name of the class variable? [my guess: This is a
column in the database?]

models. => what is this?

.CharField(max_length=200) => [my guess: this defines the type of the
data in the column "question"]

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