On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It occurs to me that the ORM could fix this.  It knows that status is
> a CharField.  For anything but None (which it should try to store as
> null) it should be reasonable to apply str() (or unicode()) to the
> field value before storing it.  str(8) -> '8' (and unicode(8) ->
> u'8'), while str() applied to a string (or unicode() applied to a
> unicode string) leaves it unchanged (doesn't even copy in, in a few
> quick tests in python 2.6.2).  Then the backend will know to quote it.
> Thoughts?  Workaround suggestions?
> I believe this issue came up when the PostgreSQL version that made the
change first came out.


made some change to help, although I don't recall exactly what was done.
You probably want to look at that and the discussions linked form that
ticket (I have a vague feeling there might have been other tickets) to get a
feel for the history of the change PostgreSQL made and what was ultimately
changed in Django to help adjust.  I have a vague feeling that at the time
there was not much support for continuing to allow apps to compare apples to
oranges willy-nilly after PostgreSQL itself decided to be more strict about
the matter, but I don't use PostgreSQL much myself so don't have a good feel
for how things ultimately turned out.


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