On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> On Monday 02 Nov 2009 3:37:38 pm Chris Withers wrote:
>> Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
>> > On Monday 02 Nov 2009 1:17:01 pm Kashif Azeem wrote:
>> >> I am interested. If you can write a little bit about yourself, type of
>> >>  work, how to apply?
>> >
>> >
>> > please take this offlist
>> It was probably a mistake. Google groups is pretty annoying in the way
>> it sets the Reply-To header to the list address...
> it is not google groups - the list admins have done this

Yes. And we have done it for a reason. In 99% of cases, the right way
to respond to a message on Django-users is to respond to Django-users.
We want to encourage community discussion, not drive discussions into
the private realm. The need for private responses is the exception,
not the rule.

To this end, we rely upon the discretion of individuals to determine
when a private response is appropriate.

We also rely on the patience of the remainder of the group when
someone posts a public message that should be private. A public
request for information that should be private is mildly annoying. A
thread arguing about whether a post was appropriate or not is much
more annoying.

Believe it or not, the list admins actually read the list. If someone
makes a habit of posting publicly when they should be posting
privately, we will take the matter up with them. There's no need to
fill over 15000 inboxes with noise in the interim.

Russ Magee %-)

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