> The "interesting discussion" was actually a practical example of a
> setup that is known to work and really helps avoiding typos.

Of course I included your suggestion before I was replying. The only
thing i did not get was the part with TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, so
I hardcoded the URL in the template.
>From the server output i reckon that i have the output right. And when
I have thsi working, I will try to understand the

I will give it another try with an old project I had where that worked
and also try a complete clean trial. If that won't work I'll comeback!
would you try using a debugger?

thanks anyway for all your help!

On 15 Okt., 23:54, bruno desthuilliers <bruno.desthuilli...@gmail.com>
> On 15 oct, 17:44, David <baer.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you for the interesting discussion.
> > Still, my original problem is bothering me.
> The "interesting discussion" was actually a practical example of a
> setup that is known to work and really helps avoiding typos.
> Did you try to rewrite your code according to this example ? If yes,
> and it still fails, please make a tarball of your project and post it
> somewhere we can get it.
> > Any idea what I could do to narrow it down?
> Make sure you have 'DEBUG=True' in your settings.py and
> "django.core.context_processors.debug" listed in your
> TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, run the dev server and point your browser
> to "". You should get a  debug page
> telling you whether the 404 comes from the dispatcher not being able
> to resolve the url, or if the url was resolved but the file not found.
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