On Oct 13, 3:09 am, LuisC <lcapri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!!!
> I am having some trouble trying to output a database record to a
> form!!!!
> **My form:
> class ClientesFIForm(forms.Form):
>     ClienteCodigo = forms.IntegerField(label='Codigo Cliente')
>     ClienteNombre = forms.CharField(label='Nombre Cliente')
>     ClienteFechaCreacion = forms.DateField(widget=AdminDateWidget,
>                                            label='Fecha',
> required=False)
> **In my function view I have:
>             #Update Mode
>             #Estamos procesando un cliente desde la SB
>             clienteBuff = Cliente.objects.filter(pk=request.POST
> ['LineaGrid']).values('ClienteCodigo',
> 'ClienteNombre',
> 'ClienteFechaCreacion')
>             form = ClientesFIForm(clienteBuff)
>             return render_to_response('ControlHoras/ClientesFI.html',
>                                         {'form': form,})
> **In my template:
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/css/base.css" />
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/css/forms.css" />
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/admin/jsi18n/"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/core.js"></script>
> {{ form.media }}
> <form action="/ControlHoras/ClientesFI/" method="POST" name='FI'>
> <input type="hidden" name="formaID" id="id_formaID"
> value="ClientesFI" /><br>
> {{ form.as_p }}
> <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
> </form>
> The hidden field is a device to identify the moment the form is
> submitted: Add mode-> the forms displays blank, Update mode the forms
> "should" display data...
> The only thing I am able to see is that QueryList clienteBuff has
> square brackets... for example:
> [{'ClienteCodigo': 13L, 'ClienteFechaCreacion': datetime.date(2009,
> 10, 10), 'ClienteNombre': u'trece'}]
> Debugging the while the form is being redisplayed because of invalid
> data, I do not see those brackets.  Also, the date appears a a
> string.  Here is an example of the data bound while in add mode:
> {u'ClienteCodigo': u'aaaa', u'ClienteFechaCreacion': u'2009-10-12',
> u'ClienteNombre': u'prueba', u'formaID': u'ClientesFI'}
> Tackling with the binding of the form I have got forms without fields,
> only the submit button.  But I have not being able to get rid of the
> brackets or datetime.date function...
> Thank you!!!!

The reason you have the 'square brackets' is that
Cliente.objects.filter() returns a *queryset*, not a single object.
You should use Cliente.objects.get() instead.

For the rest, you would find it easier to use a ModelForm rather than
a plain form.
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