Oops, sorry, that's a typo in the post - but not present in the actual

It should have read...

world = Species.objects.all.select_related()
family_list = [o.genus.family for o in world]

Or is there another missing ")" that I'm not seeing?

Thank you!

On Oct 9, 5:18 pm, "Bogdan I. Bursuc" <bogdanbursu...@gmail.com>
> You forgot a ")" sign. That's why syntax error.
> On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 23:48 -0700, Eva Hamilton wrote:
> > >From the django documentation 
> > >(here:http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/select_related/)
> > I obtained this bit of code for performing a select_related on a list
> > of objects and producing a list of related objects...
> > >>> world = Species.objects.all().select_related()
> > >>> [o.genus.family for o in world]
> > [<Family: Drosophilidae>, <Family: Hominidae>, <Family: Fabaceae>,
> > <Family: Amanitacae>]
> > It works perfectly in the python shell, but I'm wondering what the
> > correct syntax would be to achieve the same result in a django view?
> > ie. define a variable that will produce the list of related objects
> > and can then be used in a template.
> > I've tried:
> > world = Species.objects.all(select_related()
> > family_list = [o.genus.family for o in world]
> > but get a "syntax error" message.
> > Can anyone help? Thanks!
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