
Yes, I am adding instances via the admin.

I suspected the field not being on the form was the cause of there
being no nice error message. Thanks for confirming this.

I guess to best (and only?) way to deal with this now is to add my own
validation to the form clean() method and inform the user myself?


On Oct 6, 6:16 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Michiel <michiel.detaill...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm getting an unhandled IntegrityError after setting a
> > unique_together over a DateField and a SlugField, is that considered a
> > bug or not?
> > I expected it to show a nice error message informing the user that he
> > should pick something else for either Date or Slug. I does do that
> > when I set the unique_together over the 'title' and the 'title_slug'
> > SlugField.
> > DateField is auto_now_add=True, could that have something to do with
> > it? Also: I'm using sqlite3.
> (I assume you are talking about adding instances via the admin?)
> Yes, auto_now_add has something to do with it.  auto_now_add=True means the
> value of the field is not present in the form. Uniqueness checking is done
> during form validation, and only checks values that are present in the
> form.  Thus if a field value not present in the form is going to cause a
> uniqueness violation it won't be detected by the unique check.
> Karen
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