I pulled out non ascii characters, but anyway, how strange it is:

    >>> Osoba.objects.all()
    >>> Subjekt.objects.all()
    >>> gama = Subjekt(nazov = u"Gama s.r.o", osoba = Osoba(meno =
"Ivan", priezvisko = "Zajac"))
    >>> gama.save()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IntegrityError: subjekty_subjekt.osoba_id may not be NULL
    >>> gama.osoba.save()
    >>> gama.osoba.id
    >>> gama.save()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IntegrityError: subjekty_subjekt.osoba_id may not be NULL
    >>> # Now the magic is comming !!!
    >>> gama.osoba = gama.osoba
    >>> gama.save()
    >>> Subjekt.objects.all()
    [<Subjekt: Gama s.r.o - Zajac Ivan>]

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