On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Geobase Isoscale <isosc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi  Everyone,
> I would like to know how to Add a new Collumn to an already created table in
> Django.

As noted by Rama - the answer here is either to use raw ALTER
statements, or to use a tool like South or Django Evolution to
automate (or semi-automate) the schema update process.

> I would like to know whether one can create database triggers,
> create database functions, database Index and database views using  Django
> ORM.

Django produces indices automatically in some circumstances (such as
foreign key columns). You can also direct  Django to generate indices
on columns that you know will need to support lookups. See the
documentation about the db_index attribute on fields.

As for triggers, database functions and views - Django doesn't provide
built-in support for any of these. However, you can define custom SQL
for your Django tables, and this custom SQL can define triggers etc.
You can also define models that wrap views that you define yourself -
look for the "managed" attribute on models.

> I'm investigation to what extend does Django support database
> consistency.

Depends on exactly what you mean. Django will define database-level
constraints for things like foreign keys, but it doesn't apply any
database-level data validation hooks.

> If anyone has more information on the pros and cons of ORM with
> regard to database design. I'm connected Postgres database with its PostGIS
> extention.

This is a completely open ended question - ultimately, you are the
only person who can answer this sort of question for your own
circumstances. The ORM is powerful, but it does have limitations.
Whether those limitations will matter to you will depend entirely on
your expectations and your use case.

Russ Magee %-)

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